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Anum and Maha – Random fuckery

Serving a cup of tea to Asif’s boss..
It’s December and its cold.. But the temptation to show off the assets is more adequate to the cause..


Wearing a saree at Maha’s age isn’t uncommon.. But bending over to grab hold of the clutch while the local goons whistle isn’t something she quite wants.. Or does she?


Sleazy Encounters Part Two

It doesn’t get any tougher when you’ve had a rough day and have to present to the board of directors the next morning. The irony of having to deal with an earthquake at 5 in the morning! Oh wait, it’s just Anum getting fucked.

Home alone and horny? Well, when there’s a nokar there is a way.. But the idea of doing it behind the back counts for little when you’re fucking in the window with the curtains open.

The embarrassing moment when your best friend kisses your wife at a party and exposes her ass to the world.

Trying to help your ditched friend by letting him take some pictures with a girl. And when that girl happens to be Anum, and she grinds onto him that way, something really isn’t quite right.

The car broke down? Not a problem.. Everyone is willing to help.. Provided he’s allowed to kiss you.